Starting a business?
Geoff Goudy’s strength is in start-ups. From the beginning of his career, he has been most interested in helping new business owners’ those people with passion enough for what they do to make the bold step into the business world.
Geoff’s advice and expertise is well-known in fact, he receives so many inquiries about starting a small business in Colorado that he developed the Northern Colorado Start-Up Center for this website, which will provide answers to some of the most essential questions you should be asking as someone about to embark on a new business.
Enter the Northern Colorado Start-Up Center page.
Also see the Small Business page of this website for more on the services that Geoff can provide once you’ve gotten your business off the ground. Starting a small business is a struggle, but Geoff offers new business owners a relief from the work of accounting, and saves them more money and time in the end.