There are many freedoms that come with self-employment, but what do you do when you need help with the financial realities of being an independent contractor: deductions, estimated tax, and other self-employment issues?
There’s no need to feel alone when it comes to your self-employment financial issues. Geoff has offered tax advice for self-employed people for many years, and crunched numbers for independent contractors of all career types.
See the Self-Employed Tax Help page for answers to many common questions and links to important tax forms and calculators.
Take me to the Self-Employed Tax Help page.
Sometimes Geoff’s tax advice for self-employed people includes advising them to have a professional file their tax return. If you’d like to enlist Geoff’s help with your tax accounting, check out the Loyal Tax Accountant page for more information on Geoff’s specific strengths, services, and approaches to your taxes.